Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Your mom is so!

 Autumn is in full swing here in P-Town. The leaves are vibrant colors. The air is cool and crisp in the morning. Flannery has dragged out every form of tacky Halloween decoration known to man and plopped it in our front yard much to the dismay of poor Reggie who is sure our curb appeal just hit the negatives. Must be the season. The change around here is palpable. Besides the pile of dried gold leaves in the front yard and the brand new fence for the dog in the backyard, we are working out our growing pains on each other. The sibling rivalry still holds steady but there has been a major breakthrough in the form of an agreement. Both kids maintain that there is simply nothing worse than the embarrassment that is their mother. I take my job very seriously so I want to make sure that we get through these adolescent years just as we all should: emotionally scarred and better for it.

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