Tuesday, August 12, 2014

the ignorance

Started by mary grace subingsubing in My LoveStory Jun 8, 2013. 0 Replies
if i were to count, he could be my 5th crush, and its really that hard to admit if you were let goo of someone special to you, someone thats always been around, i know he could feel, but i cant force him if he just look me as his baby sister,…Continue


Started by Cody Wayne Robbins in Fantasies I have... May 21, 2013. 0 Replies
Im single and am looking for for a relationship. i enjoy talking over the phone. im 18. look me up on fb if you want to see pics. You can find my under Cody Wayne Robbins. i should be the only one. send me a msg :)Continue

Posting story novels

Started by M. Her in General Apr 16, 2013. 0 Replies
I look around and notice this site pertains more to blogs, group discussion topics, and advice (relationship advice). I joined because, to me, it came across as JOIN HERE to begin your stories as in novels or works of fiction (pretty much). Did I…Continue

I need advice

Started by abilene in Help! I need your Relationship Advice. Last reply by Jade May 28, 2013. 2 Replies
Ok so my first bf started texting me and calling me again but he cheated on me before and he has told me he changed but idk if to believe him and give him one more chance but i nee help what should i do

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