Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello again

Wow, I just went back through and read my old blogs! That is a strange thing to do but boy has my life changed. I am very happy now. I guess blogging started as a fun hobby but turned into sort of a therapy thing for me. Anyway happy to report my family...all of them are doing great. I am still working my fun part time jobs but not quite as many hours and I am really enjoying life. I am wondering should I delete all my old post and move on to a brand new happy ones? I will have to ponder that. Hope everyone is doing well out in blogger land. Facebook and twitter have really taken over since I started this so I am not even sure if anybody out there even reads these anymore. But if you do Hello again and I am going to have a cute spring post soon. XOXO Oh by the way this is my 100th post!!! (knew I was holding out for a good one)

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