Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday, July 13hey guys.

Wednesday, July 13

hey guys.

i've moved. Again!!!

from tumblr to wordpress. hopefully i'll stay put there, don't want to get too nomadic =)

you can now find me here.

feel free to drop by and say hi!

Sunday, February 13

i want change.

and therefore i'm moving.

this blog is generating too much traffic from the HKU/NUS MBBS interview post and I need more privacy XD

therefore i'm moving to a tumblr site.

The Happiness Project. (or so it will be named for the time being.) 

you cant really post comments unless you have an account in tumblr but I guess that doesnt really matter =)

It's sad to say goodbye but a drastic change needs drastic measures... see you at the other end of the rainbow!

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