Monday, August 25, 2014

Is it possible to be lucky in love again? By:Rangel89, Australia, 04.06.2014, Comments: 6 I have been lucky enough to fall in love twice but unlucky enough for either of the relationships to last. I am still reeling from my last relationship but Now it's more a case of just not knowing if there's someone out there for me, I would just like to ask, how many times can you fall in love before finding the right person? Some may see this as a silly question and there's probably no definite answer but I feel so lucky to have had at least experienced love in my life that maybe my luck has run out and I'm just meant to be alone for the rest of my life (as self pitying as that may sound). Or maybe those men were just not right for me and I'm yet to meet the man who is.. I guess what I'm asking is.. Are there people out there who thought they found love, only to find it didn't work out and went on to find something even better? I feel so lost at the moment, I know I really gave my all to both those relationships, and now I feel disheartened that I will ever find someone who will love me for me, it would be nice to have a small amount of reassurance. Has anyone been in my place and are now happily in love?
For you my love... By:M., 25.02.2005, Comments: 13 Hi… I know that you will never actually read this letter and this is not my aim here. It’s just that yesterday I realized I will never be beside you any more. I will never kiss the lips that I love so much, I’ll never caress your hair as I used to. Yes, my whole world collapsed yesterday. Because my whole world was you…… I can’t…, oh God, I still can’t accept the thought that you won’t be next to me. I know that I made mistakes. I did awfully many foolish things. I shouldn’t have gone away. I shouldn’t have left you – the man of my life, just when I’ve found you. I wanted to earn that money, so that it would be easier…or I thought it would be…..If I had known then how wrong I was, if I had realized that money wasn’t everything. Money can’t make me happy when you are not beside me. I lost you….I just can’t believe that you are no longer part of my life, that you are no longer “my man”, that we won’t stick the so dreamt “baby factory” on the bedroom door. You know…this time I was determined to stop. I had decided for sure to come back and start leading a life in my own country and I wanted to make it with you. When I planned on returning I told everybody that I’m trying to get back the “man of my life” ….but it wasn’t that simple. I couln’t understand you before, now you can’t understand me. You couldn’t understand that I wanted to abandon everything that I had just to be with you. I was ready to leave my friends, the life in my town, the great job that I will never have again – nothing interested me more than being with you. You told me that you weren’t ready, not at that moment. But you were before. Why the hell didn’t you just tell me that you don’t love me as you used to, that you are afraid to run the risk of being with me again, that I don’t have the right to rush into your life every time that the impulse takes me. Or that you are already tired of us playing cat and dog…..although you still love me. I know it because I saw it in your eyes. They always give you away. You know, what hurt me the most was that you didn’t have the courage to tell me that you are afraid and it’s easier to lead your apathetic life hiding behind work. Or you no longer love me, or at least not as much as before. I would have understood. We are grown up people after all…. I will always love you but I’ll never let you in my life again. I don’t know how I’ll live without you…..I’m going to learn this from now on. I wish you all the happiness with her. I hope she can give you at least half of what I gave you. Although, no one will love you the way I did. As trivial as it may sound. I thank you, you who read this. I just wanted to unburden my heart somewhere nobody will recognize me. I want to give you a piece of advice, the one that my father kept telling me for a long time:”It’s better to learn from the mistakes of others, not from your own.” Do not kill your love! Do not think that you can change it for money, shiny cars, or companies that are more important than your own life. Never leave the person you love, never betray him/her, fight for his/her love. LOVE IS EVERYTHING PEOPLE! PLEASE DON’T LOOSE IT!!! FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL, BUT NEVER LOOSE IT!
Sad Love Story May is an g girl waiting for her boyfriend... On the first day, she sent a message to the guy saying, "miss you na! what time ka ba pupunta?" She's waiting for the reply.. but the guy didn't reply. Second message: "I text you kaninang morning bat di ka nagreply... what time ka ba pupunta?! I need your answer asap..." She waited for 5 hours, la paring sagot... Sa sobrang asar, ini-off nya ang CP nya and said, "I will not open this cellphone unless pumunta cya dito.." After a few minutes, nakatulog na yung girl... Second day, she's still waiting for her boyfriend. Magpaparing sa fone tapos baba. She told herself, "Did he love me pa ba?!" He Knows naman pag napgpaparing ako.. She's expecting that the boy will call him back.. untik its evening and no one came, no one called.. her CP still off... Third day, she's still waiting. Nagpaparing. After a few hours, the phone rung... She answered it quickly... "Hello" On the second line, "Hon, I love you very much.." Biglang nag busy. Galit na galit na umupo sa sofa at nanood ng t.v. After a few minutes, may kumakatok. She stood quickly and opened the door. She opened the door. She was surprised when she saw her bf standing at the door. With good looks, white long sleeves and white pants... The guy said, "Come with me... hayaan mo akong bumawi sayo..." She answered, "Wait, I'll just..." "Come let's go..." After a few minutes, they're on some place. Sa house ng guy.. kinabahan cya.. She's asking.. what happened?.. bat and daming tao.. at may red light.. What's that?... (she stopped for a while). "Your mom" walang sagot... The guy only looking at her face... Biglang may tumawag sa kanya. She's shocked when she saw the guy's mom crying and embraced her... "Come with me! Sa buong pag aakalang nakasunod sa kanya ang guy. On the door, she's shocked when she saw a dead person infront of her... She looks at her back.. but the guy is gone.. where he went, di nya alam... La naman siyang nakita dumaan infront of her.. The mother said, "Bat ngayon ka lang pumunta kahapon pa ako ng text sayo! Pero naka off ang phone mo.. She opened her CP and sat for a while and read the messages... There are 5 unread messages... She opened the first message... "Hija, my son is now 50/50. Come here, he needs you..." The second message: "Please come here or reply... I need it now.." Third message: "My son is on comatose... Can you visit him now?... You're his strength.." Fourth message: "Hija, my son is dead" and then she cried to think that her love is now gone in her life... Naisip nya yung nangyari... She's with the guy the past few hours.. But she kept on thinking.. hangang dumating ang kanyang pag-iisip sa guy... "Come let's go"... "Dalawin mo naman ako.. kahit sa huling araw ng lamay ko..."
LONG LOST LOVE How did I lose thee? Let me count the ways [Times art: Teresanne Cossetta] In love, he was at his best. But his best wasn't good enough. BY BILL MAXWELL Times Staff Writer I saw her for the first time in the autumn of 1974, on the campus of Kennedy-King College in Chicago. I was at my desk grading essays when she walked past my office. My doorway formed a picture frame in which she briefly appeared, an image of perfect dark beauty I cannot forget, and from which I will never recover. A glimpse was all I needed. Rising from my desk, I hurried to the door and looked down the hall. There she was, talking with a student in the English 101 class I was about to teach. She was tall and slender, her curly black hair fashioned into a huge Afro. She wore a tight, ankle-length skirt and a long-sleeved jean shirt tied in a loose knot at the waist. She was beautiful, yes, but she also possessed a regality, a special essence that transcended common beauty. Soon she ended her conversation and was gone. A week passed before I saw her again. She was in the cafeteria line, talking with a girl I often saw on campus. Most of the students at Kennedy-King were black but she was not; her skin was olive, her Afro more distinctive than the others I saw. After she sat down, I chose a table near hers and sat facing her. She was more beautiful than I had remembered. Male students glanced at her as they passed. The mere sight of her gave me a feeling I had never experienced before, pleasant yet urgent. Soon her eyes lifted to meet my gaze. We both stopped eating. I stared. She stared. Then we broke off our visual embrace, both too self-conscious to continue. That evening I drank a bottle of Merlot and tossed and turned all night, thinking of her. The next morning, she was in the cafeteria reading the newspaper when I stopped there for coffee. She looked up and smiled; I said "good morning" so awkwardly that we both laughed. I could feel nervous sweat gathering on my forehead and in my armpits. "Sit down, Professor Maxwell," she said. My god. She knew my name. Something was building between us, the gathering wave of love. It had begun purely by chance: I had merely turned my head to see who was walking past my office. That simple act of curiosity, the slightest exercise of a muscle in my neck, led me to the deepest love of my life, but also to heartache and sorrow and want. This is the story of my desolation. Her name, by the way, was Mari. Rhymes with sorry. Let us go then, you and I I sat with Mari as she smoked a cigarette and sipped her tea. She was as pleasant and engaging as she was beautiful. She was 36, a native of Madison, Wis., whose forebears had come from Italy. Newly divorced, she had returned to school to study business administration. As we talked, I sensed she wanted to know me as much as I did her. I asked her to go with me that evening to see Tom Stoppard's play,Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,at the University of Chicago. She said she would love to -- if she could get a babysitter. "I have two children," she said, seeing my surprise. One was in fourth grade, the other in sixth. Later, she used the phone in my office and landed a sitter within a few minutes. I went home that afternoon feeling almost giddy. I was 34 years old and for the first time in my life, I was in love. I had imagined myself in love before. But the feeling I had for Mari was unlike anything I had ever felt. Instead of thinking of the moment, I was dreaming of the future, of living the rest of my life with her. The temperature had dropped dramatically and a light snow was falling when I left my place that evening. Mari lived in an apartment building in a mostly black, rough neighborhood on the South Side; she stayed there because her brother, who owned the building, gave her a break on the rent. The sitter was there when I went inside. Mari's boy and girl, beautiful children with big mops of curly black hair, were watching television and playing with their Labrador retriever. They said hello and returned to their play. We drove Mari's Gremlin to Hyde Park because the heater in my VW bug was too weak to keep us warm. We both enjoyed the play, in which two minor characters fromHamletgive their clever, skewed commentary on Shakespeare's masterpiece. Our shared love of language would be one of the things that bound us together, made us perfect for each other. Later, as we ate dinner in a popular restaurant, I realized Mari and I were turning heads. I looked around and saw that we were not the only mixed-race couple in the place. Why, then, were people looking at us? Mari's answer sealed my love for her. Love found Bill Maxwell for the first time in 1974, when a woman named Mari happened past the open door of his office at Kennedy-King College in Chicago. When this picture was taken a year later, he says, "I still couldn't get enough of her.'' [Family photo]"It's because we make such a beautiful pair. And we laugh a lot." As we walked along Hyde Park Boulevard after dinner, I looked at our reflection in the shop windows. Indeed, we made a handsome couple against the snowy background of the street. Eventually we sought warmth inside Woodlawn Tap, where I introduced Mari to some of my former classmates and their dates. As it happened, they had also seenRosencrantz. For the next two hours, we marveled at Stoppard's artistry, speculated on what Shakespeare would have thought of the play, and drank pitcher after pitcher of ice-cold beer. It was the perfect first date for Mari and me. My friends liked her; the women commented on her sense of humor and intelligence, the men on her startling beauty. At 1:30 a.m. we walked outside to find it snowing heavily. The wind from nearby Lake Michigan blew right at us, piercing our jackets. I put my arm around her and pulled her close as we walked to the car, and for the first time felt the warmth of her arm around me. In the parking lot, we stopped beneath a light and kissed. I knew at that moment that this was the woman I always had been searching for. My thoughts were twirling like the snow around us. We drove back to her apartment, talking and laughing the whole way. I was about to say good night when the babysitter said she was afraid to drive home in the snowstorm. Would it be all right if she stayed at Mari's? Mari said that would be fine; she and I would go to my apartment in Hyde Park. Once at my place, we opened a bottle of sauvignon blanc, lit the fireplace, put on some Miles Davis and curled up together on the couch. For the next eight hours, we rarely let go of each other. We talked, laughed, listened to jazz, made love. I found a copy of T.S. Eliot's poemThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrockand read it aloud: Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky . . . In the morning, we walked to a 57th Street restaurant for breakfast. After that, we walked to Lake Michigan. There, we watched a fisherman haul in a net teeming with smelt. Dozens of sea gulls dived for the net as the man pulled it toward the open door of an old van.
The Amazing Love Story That Took 62 Years To Unfold 11/21/13 11:12 AM ET Howard Attebery fell in love with Cynthia Riggs in 1950, when she was 18, but he had to wait 62 years to tell her. After a coded letter and a cross-country search, the couple finally reunited. They shared their love story recently on HuffPost Live. The two first met 62 years ago while working at a marine laboratory in San Diego, California, where they used to exchange notes written in code on paper towels. It was love at first sight for Attebery, but he never told Riggs how he felt at the time because she was involved with another man. They went on to live separate lives -- she on the East Coast and he in California -- and fell out of touch for the next 60 years. They went on to marry other people and both had children. But then one day in January 2012, Riggs received a package with no return address. Inside were all the secret messages they had sent each other in 1950, plus one additional message: “I have never stopped loving you,” it said. Riggs tracked him down and the two met up in California. "I thought to myself, 'the last time he saw me I was 18 and now I'm 81, what's he going to think'?" Riggs said. But within two hours, he proposed. And Attebery, 91, and Riggs, 82, were married earlier this year. This isn't the first long-lost love story we've shared. Earlier this year, we wrote about how Ron Crist And Susan Williamsreunited 42 years after their senior prom. Do you have a long-lost love story to share with us? Email us at SayItOnHuffPost50@ m. (PR pitches are not accepted at this address.) Also on Huffington Post Couples Celebrating 25 Years Of Marriage Load More by TaboolaSponsored Content 4:57.69: New World Record Set for Super Mario Bros. 4:57.69: New World Record Set for Super Mario Bros. 10 Ways Men Flirt That Women Don't Notice 10 Ways Men Flirt That Women Don't Notice Womanitely All The VMAs Red Carpet Fashion From The 2014 Show Beyonce's MTV Video Music Awards Outfit Is A Sight To Behold 6 Vegetables That Might Save Your Life Katy Perry Gives Us SERIOUS Nostalgia At The 2014 VMAs 8 Admirable People Who Transformed Tragedy Into Something Positive The 25 Most Delicious Grilled Cheese Sandwiches On The Planet AOL Ad

Love story Part 1 Chapter One Our love story started long before Matthew and I ever actually met. And when you think about it, most love stories start that way. Every moment leading up to the one in which you meet your future husband or wife somehow shapes you and prepares you for that person you were fated for. Any previous heartbreaks or dark days or lonely nights can be crucially important in the grand scheme of things—sometimes we need to know what something feels like when it’s wrong before we can ever really know it when another thing is RIGHT. So that’s why I need to start the story with a little bit of background. The whole “girl meets boy, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl get married” model is a little too simplistic for my needs. You people want details, don't you? Of course you do. When I was 18 years old and working as a waitress at a little family restaurant, I met a guy who was 10 years older than me. He was the one who came before Matthew. We dated for three and half years, and even lived together during the last year and half of that relationship. We moved into a tiny little house and owned Gracie and Cooper together and our relationship was never a terrible one. He was a good guy, I was a good girl, and we really did love each other. But for every moment of those three and a half years, I had a nagging, itching, aching feeling that he would never be the right one for me. Despite his great heart, he lacked ambition and drive and handled his finances very poorly and, at the heart of it all, was very insecure despite being a bright and attractive guy. I understood him, though. I understood that his family had never prepared him for LIFE, and the poor decisions he had made as a younger man had him caught in a sticky web and a hole he just couldn’t seem to dig himself out of. As the years went by, he could give me less and less of what I needed. Things became strained between us. I was a terrible nag, and I see that now. But the problem was that there were just too many things about him that I wanted to change. And as I began to realize that I could never change him and shouldn’t have to, I struggled SO much with what the right thing to do was. It ate away at me day and night, because I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without him. And being alone TERRIFIED me. Somewhere during all this, I read the book The Secret which is all about the law of attraction. I really, really believed in what it said. It inspired me. I realized that I had not arranged my life in a way that allowed for all the things I so desired. I hate to skim over this because it’s so important, but let’s just say that I KNEW I had to decide what I wanted my future to look like and start taking active steps towards attracting that future. And staying in my current relationship at the time was a major roadblock. I knew in my heart that if I stayed where I was,life would always be a struggle. So one day the breakup finally happened. We talked and cried for hours and finally decided that we could never truly work. He decided to move out and let me stay in the house and keep the dogs because, on his income alone, he couldn’t afford to live there (I made enough waiting tables to cover the bills if pennies were tightly pinched). I can honestly say that the 48 hours after that break up were the toughest of all my life. I ugly-cried those kind of tears that come from somewhere inside you didn’t even know existed—a place of fear and sudden awareness that you are completely alone. And that’s the place I was in when I met Matthew. We met a mere 48 hours after the ex and I called it quits, which could either be considered really terrible timing or really great timing. I choose to believe the timing was perfect. But let’s back up again for just a minute. Remember how I was working at that little restaurant? Well, for a couple of years I’d been waiting on my future in-laws without even knowing it. We’ll just call them Mr. and Mrs. D for our purposes here today. They were an odd couple. Mrs. D was a beautiful blonde and friendly as can be, and Mr. D was quiet, reserved, and hard to read. I really enjoyed waiting on them, though, and I found it amusing when Mrs. D would occasionally mention their son in California and how perfect he and I would be for each other. She mentioned this to me on at least two or three occasions, but I always laughed and just politely reminded her that I had a boyfriend. I came to find out later that, in actuality, Mrs. D talked a whole lot more about Matthew and I one day meeting than I ever knew at the time; Mr. D now says he had to hear about it every single time they came to the restaurant, and Matthew, when he was in town, would always go to eat there and would hear about me then, too. But for some reason, I was never working when Matthew happened to stop in with his parents, and our paths never crossed. But then one day, on January 19, 2009, our paths DID cross. And to make it all the more strange, I wasn’t even working that day—the encounter was, TRULY, by chance. Little did I know when I woke up that morning, Martin Luther King Day and a university holiday, that my life was about to be turned upside down. Chapter Two It was a Saturday that the ex and I had broken up, and by Monday morning, though I was by NO means “over” the breakup, I was feeling ever so slightly hopeful; or at least looking forward to a fun breakfast with a friend. One of my male coworkers was (is) like a brother to me; we were hired on at the restaurant around the same time, and over the six and a half years until this point in the story, he and I had become close and occasionally planned a breakfast outing to catch up on the events of each other’s lives. A week prior to this aforementioned Monday, he and I had planned to meet for breakfast at the restaurant where we worked – only I got called into work when another waitress went home sick. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was a game-changing move. One of those moments where the Universe intervenes because that particular event wasn’t in keeping with the greater plan. Truth be told, if I had met my friend for breakfast on that previously planned date, or if I had shown up to the restaurant even a single moment later on the day we DID end up meeting, Matthew and I would have never met. My life would be drastically different right now. Funny how the smallest little decisions and changes of course can alter the entire plot of your life. So on that Monday morning, January 19 of 2009, I woke up, got showered and dressed, and headed out to a 9:00 AM breakfast with my friend. Like usual, I was running a couple minutes late. Once I arrived, I parked my car and walked across the lot and into the little diner where my friend Chris was already waiting in the line to be seated. We chatted for maybe thirty seconds before the outside door of the restaurant swung open and, to my surprise, there was Mrs. D! She seemed excited to see me and exclaimed, “Jenni! I know this might seem strange, and I know you have a boyfriend, but my son is here in town—we were just leaving, and I saw you walking up—I’d love for you to come out and meet him!” I gave her a hug and laughed, saying, “Well, actually, me and my boyfriend just broke up, so it’s ok.” I thought I’d humor her. Many proud mamas had bragged on their sons to me before, and if or when I ever did end up meeting these “handsome” princes, things were usually awkward and anything but a match made in heaven. Mrs. D led me just outside the little foyer where we’d been waiting. Her car was a few feet away, and the driver’s side door was still open where she had gotten out. I peered into the car and there he was: the infamous son. I’d be lying if I said I heard a choir of angels singing, or if I said a bright light shone upon him like some supernatural vision from God, but there trulywasinstant attraction. He reached over from the passenger side seat to shake my hand and said, “Hey! Nice to finally meet you!” He had the bluest eyes I’d ever seen, and from then on I was in somewhat of a stupor, which is not unusual for me when faced with awkward social situations (especially involving shockingly attractive members of the opposite sex). I said something along the lines of, “It’s really nice to meet you too! I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, and I just love your Mom!” Mrs. D mentioned then that Matthew was going home to California the next morning but would be back in a couple weeks. I replied saying maybe we would see each other again when he returned, and the conversation wrapped up. But in typical Jenni fashion, I had to say at least one ridiculous thing before going along my merry way, so just as I turned around to walk back into the diner, I decided to poke my head in the car one more time and say, “oh, excuse me SIR? What did you say your name was again? I already forgot!” Yes, I called him SIR. And as soon as that word flew off my tongue I was mortified with myself. Why the !@#$ did I just call him “sir?” What an idiot! He just laughed and said “Matthew.” “Ok, thanks!” I replied. “Maybe I’ll see you again soon!” They left, and I went back into the restaurant where my friend was waiting. And just a couple moments later we were inside and seated at our table near the back of the little one room diner. We ordered our breakfast and, after a few more minutes, the hostess walked up to our table and slipped me a little note. “That guy just came back in and told me to give this to you. He saw you sitting with Chris and didn’t want to be rude and interrupt,” she told me. My heart skipped a beat. I unfolded the little note. Matthew had written his name and phone number and the message: Be back in two weeks. Would be great to hear from you! I was shaking. I can’t explain it, but I felt like I was dreaming. My mind was racing with thoughts of how completely serendipitous this encounter was, but how completely awful it felt to be entertaining thoughts of another relationship so soon after my last one ended. One of the waitresses at the restaurant, a good friend and mother-type figure to me, stopped by our table and read the note. She had seen the whole thing unfold, and the way Matthew had come back in and stared back at me as I chatted obliviously with my friend. With a knowing look on her face, she said “Jenni, it’s a God thing.” And she turned out to be very, very right. Mrs. D and Matthew both corroborate the story that, when they had left the restaurant after our initial meeting, Matthew matter of factly told his mother that I was the one. That he knew it. And she said she had always known it. She told him what I said about my boyfriend and I breaking up, and Matthew demanded she turn around. They came back, he scribbled his note on that little piece of paper, and he went back in to find me. And I COULD just say “the rest is history,” but that really wouldn’t be doing the story justice. The part that comes next is half the fun! I suppose that sometimes fate might whisper, but in our case, it screamed. Chapter Three Three full days passed after that fateful encounter, and the little note Matthew had left for me remained tucked away inside my wallet. I certainly wasn’t following any rule on how many days to wait before calling a guy; rather, I was feeling pretty terrible about calling him at ALL, given my still VERY freshly single status. My ex-boyfriend hadn’t even moved out of our house yet, and although I remained fully aware of that note and secretly wanted to call the number on it, I refrained. It just seemed so wrong to be having thoughts about another guy so soon. Then, on the afternoon of the fourth day, I went to work and, as I clocked in on the register, I noticed a bright blue, folded sticky note with my name on it taped to the window beside me. I pulled it off and opened it, and there was Matthew’s name and number again, but this time in the handwriting of one the hostesses who answers the phone. I turned to my manager and asked what it was all about. “This guy already gave me his number!” I said, confused. “What is it doing here again?” My manager gravely told me that Matthew had called the restaurant and asked for me the day before, but since I wasn’t there, he simply left his name and number with the hostess. “Is this guy stalking you? Do you want me to call him?” he asked with concern. I laughed and said I didn’t think so. But secretly, I was impressed with Matthew’s tenacity. He was interested, and he wasn’t beating around the bush about it. I liked that. I texted him that afternoon and apologized for not calling. I told him that I’d wanted to, but it had only been several days since my ex and I had broken up and it felt a little irreverent to be calling another guy so soon. I said that I’d call him when I got off work that night. The reply I received went something like this: Ok, little miss four days later! Good thing I remain optimistic, ‘cause it was beginning to look like I wasn’t going to hear from you! Matthew later told me that those were the most torturous four days of his life. He kept his phone within an arm’s reach and pondered whether or not I was playing hard to get or something. When he didn’t hear from me right away, he had called the restaurant (from California!) in case I had “lost his number.” Patience is not this man’s greatest virtue; I can definitely attest to that now! I don’t want to skim over anything, but I also don’t want to drag this out for weeks. So let’s just say that I called Matthew that evening, and by the end of about a one hour conversation, I knew I had just met the man who would one day be my husband. I called my best friend the next day and told her so, which, naturally, was met with a somewhat apprehensive “umm… ok?” Truth be told, the relationship encountered quite a bit of trepidation from my friends and family, and understandably so. Everything happened so fast and so furious and so SOON after the end of my previous relationship. Matthew was almost seven years older than me, had a successful career in insurance and financial services, lived states away, and still seemed dead set on ME. People didn’t trust him, and even I had my moments of doubt as things moved along at lightning speed. During the week after our first phone call, we talked for hours every night. I learned that he was a huge fan of the book The Secret, just like I was, and he told me that he, too, tried to live his life by the principles of the law of attraction. Coincidence? I think not. He also told me he had moved his trip back to Texas up a few days so he could spend more time with me, and our first date was scheduled for less than two weeks after our initial meeting. I remember getting a text from him just a couple days before he flew back down to Texas, and it said that he “couldn’t wait to have me in his arms.” I was a little alarmed by this, given that we hadn’t even had our first date yet, but I sort of loved it all at once. It was nice to feel wanted without that veil of pretense and cautious, “acceptable” behavior. Matthew is one of the few people in this world who throws themselves shamelessly and without hesitation at whatever they desire. So we had our first date. I wore a little black dress with heels and a bright green sweater, and he wore jeans and a black button up shirt. We met at Starbucks, we hugged like old friends, he led me to the car he’d borrowed from his dad, and he opened my door for me like a true gentleman. He started the car and a CD began to play – all my favorite songs, one after another. I demanded that he admit he’d stalked my Facebook and made a CD from all my listed favorite artists, but he denies it to this day. Either he’s lying, or we just have identical taste in music. Either way, it was perfect. And that evening began a week of “first dates.” We had dinner together several times, went to the movies, visited the nearby Natural Bridge Caverns and Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in San Antonio, spent his birthday with his parents and grandparents, and then said a very bittersweet goodbye before he headed back to California. I think it was on the third date that week that I really fell in love. We were deep under the ground in the chilly caverns and listening to the tour guide as she lectured on stalactites and stalagmites, when Matthew wrapped his arms around me from behind and just held me there as we stood. I can’t explain it, but it just felt… RIGHT. A few days after he went home to California, on Valentine’s Day 2009, I received a very special delivery while I was at work – a gift that would turn out to be one of the most amazing and romantic things I’ve ever been given. Chapter Four In part three, the story left off just after our week of first dates and Matthew’s return home from California, and just before Valentine’s Day two years ago. I was at work that Valentine’s Day evening when a special delivery arrived for me via Matthew’s mom! I was too busy to chat with her much when she arrived, but she dropped off my gifts along with a gorgeous dozen white and red roses from Matthew. He had arranged all this before he left! I waited to open my gifts until the restaurant was closed for the evening, but believe me, I thought about them ALL NIGHT LONG! Once the last customer had finally left, I sat down at a table with my roses, a large yellow manila envelope, and a wrapped gift. A note on the outside of a card instructed that I open the wrapped gift first. In order to understand the significance of what comes next, you have to first understand myobsessionwith New York City. During those few weeks that we had know each other up until this point, Matthew and I had discussed how much webothloved it there, and how it is my absolute favorite place on Earth. So I opened my gift and found this adorable New York picture that Matthew had hand decaled with romantic little words: I was tickled by that, of course, but what was in the big manila envelope was therealkicker. Matthew had created this full page invitation (with a beautiful photo of a bridge in Central Park faded in the background), and it read: (My Name) You are hereby cordially invited to “The City of Lights” On Monday, the Ninth of March, Two Thousand and Nine at The Ritz Carlton New York, Central Plaza Enchantment will start promptly at 8:00 PM, Romance will begin at first site, …..Falling in Love will last a lifetime Host: Matthew (Last Name) Price of Admission: Your Company, Your Smile, and Your Grace Please RSVP by February 16th, 2009 We apologize for any inconvenience, Kisses are the only form of payment accepted at this time Ummm, yeah. CAN WE SAY EVERY GIRL’S DREAM COME TRUE?!?! And Matthew had also created a fake airline boarding pass with the assigned seat “next to your man” and with flight and confirmation numbers matching the days of our first two dates. I know. Sickening! I’m here to tell you that not every man is completely clueless when it comes to romance! So needless to say, I accepted the invitation, and that trip to New York City with my future husband turned out to be the most fabulous few days of my life. The Ritz Carlton ruined me for all eternity. I will compare all hotel experiences to that one, and nothing will ever match up. Matthew convinced the poor fellow at the front desk to upgrade our stay from a basic room to a two room, two bathroom suite, at no extra charge (the guy is a sweet-talker, what can I say?), and from our room on the seventh floor (my lucky number) you could sit on the window seat and gaze down at sixth avenue and central park below. I spent many teary moments on that window seat, wondering when I would wake up from this lovely dream. Thankfully, I never did. Matthew had brought along the movieSerendipityfor us to watch while there in New York, and the next day after watching the movie in our cozy room, Matthew surprised me with lunch at Serendipity 3. Appropriate, yes? Here we were inside the restaurant: After that New York trip, Matthew and I continued a long distance relationship. We would see each other every 3-5 weeks on average, he flying down to San Antonio where I lived at the time, or me flying up to Huntington Beach, California where he lived at the time. In June of that same year, we took yet another trip, but this time to Maui, Hawaii. Mind you, we had only been dating four and half months at this point, but I had a feeling a proposal was imminent. A couple of days into our stay, Matthew surprised me with a limo ride to a location away from our hotel, where we found a small table set up near the beach, complete with white linens, a candle, and a little vase of fresh flowers. We had our own private chef, who was arranged about 10 yards away, cook us one of the most delicious meals I’ve ever eaten (some type of grilled Hawaiian fish – whatever it was, it was amazing!). BUT. Things really did not go as Matthew had planned for them to or at all how he had envisioned. We laugh about it now, but our romantic and private little dinner table was smack dab in the middle of a grassy clearing between another hotel and an enormous ugly apartment complex with hundreds of balconies overlooking our little spectacle. We were also within about 15 feet of an outdoor shower spicket which people were coming up to from the beach to shower off under! It was awkward to say the least, and Matthew waspissed.At one point he went over to the chef to “check on our meal,” but he was really asking for the ring back – it was supposed to be “served” to me with the dessert, but Matthew was so displeased with the atmosphere that he decided to postpone the proposal. The meal wrapped up, and I was feeling anxious. Knowing Matthew, I had a feeling he wouldn’t propose under these imperfect circumstances, but I wasn’t sure! We ended up taking our limo back to our

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Well frnds its raining too much here.So! Short Essay on Rainy Season The Rainy Season begins in India when the South West Monsoon winds begin to blow over this country. The season is felt in the months of Asaadha and Shravana as per the Oriya calendar. But in fact it lasts in India from the second week of June till the end of September. The Rainy Season comes after the Summer Season. So this season brings relief to everybody. We enjoy rains. Very often it rains for days together. The water level rises. Trees look more and more green. On a rainy day the sky remains covered with clouds. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds. Sometimes low-pressure occurs and it results in heavy rain. Tanks and pools are filled with water. In this season the colour of the water in river turns yellow due to the particles of mud. Roads become muddy. Rain water flows on the roads. Small children prepare paper boats and float them along the stream of water. The Rainy Season is helpful to us in many ways. The earth which was dry becomes cool and soft. The air becomes cool and comfortable. The air in this season is free from dust. Rain is helpful in agriculture. Farmers become happy to get adequate rain in this season. We get many kinds of vegetables in this season. If there is plenty of rain water, then it is preserved in dams for the hydro-electricity and irrigation purpose. Therefore we must be thankful to this season. The Rainy Season is also not without troubles. It brings us some inconveniences. As roads become muddy, people face difficulty in going from one place to another. If it rains for days together, the working class people suffer from starvation. They do .not get any work anywhere. Prices of essential commodities go up due to interruptions in supply of goods to the market. Many diseases break out. Malaria, dysentery and diarrhea are quite common. Impure water is the chief reason of the spread of diseases. Flood occurs and brings heavy damage to crops. The Rainy Season is remembered for the famous Car Festival and the Raki Purnima. These two festivals are celebrated more joyously in Orissa
The rainy seasonis the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs. Rainy Seasonmay also refer to: *. Rainy Season (short story), a 1989 short horror story by Stephen King *. The Rainy Season, a 1993 album by Marc Cohn *.The Rainy Season, a 1999 novel by James Blaylock

Friday, August 22, 2014

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

- Sheelagh Lennon -

Monday, August 18, 2014

Enough Already

I am ready for SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!! I know I live in the South and we usually have light winters so yes I have enjoyed the snow but once again I live in the South and I want my sunshine back. There is a reason I could never live in the cold cold states. I sure they are lovely but not for me. I think I am just really ready to get back on my routine and get my girl back on hers. My part time jobs are just that part time jobs, usually very manageable, but when one or the other knows I have some time off from the other they pull me in to work longer hours. It is nice for the extra money but it confuses me as to which way to go. If you understood that sentence good for you, you get how I think. If not I am sorry I just feel discombobulated these days. A friend of mine told me the other day that her new year did not start until Feb 1 because January had not been such a great month so she decided she wanted to wait and claim 2010 on a good note. I told her that mine 2010 might not strat until I will have a shorter year than most. Seriously I really think that once I get through Feb(not wishing time away, I am just saying) my year will be off to a good start. I am sticking to the Bible Verse that says God Has a Plan for your Life. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (nlt) I remind myself of that everyday. And I am also reminding myself that we don't get snow and sleet that often so I need to relax and enjoy... Whew I feel better!

Enough Already

I am ready for SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!! I know I live in the South and we usually have light winters so yes I have enjoyed the snow but once again I live in the South and I want my sunshine back. There is a reason I could never live in the cold cold states. I sure they are lovely but not for me. I think I am just really ready to get back on my routine and get my girl back on hers. My part time jobs are just that part time jobs, usually very manageable, but when one or the other knows I have some time off from the other they pull me in to work longer hours. It is nice for the extra money but it confuses me as to which way to go. If you understood that sentence good for you, you get how I think. If not I am sorry I just feel discombobulated these days. A friend of mine told me the other day that her new year did not start until Feb 1 because January had not been such a great month so she decided she wanted to wait and claim 2010 on a good note. I told her that mine 2010 might not strat until I will have a shorter year than most. Seriously I really think that once I get through Feb(not wishing time away, I am just saying) my year will be off to a good start. I am sticking to the Bible Verse that says God Has a Plan for your Life. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (nlt) I remind myself of that everyday. And I am also reminding myself that we don't get snow and sleet that often so I need to relax and enjoy... Whew I feel better!


Oh how I love Spring weather. Today I planted my window boxes and pots and the kids even helped and cleaned out the gutters. Our yard looks so much better. Next weekend maybe we will even get some pine needles out. Life has been pretty eventful lately but we are geting through it. I got the cutest aidorandack chairs today at Biig Lots (yes Big Lots!!!). They are heavy duty plastic and only cost $15.00 but they are perfect for outdoor summer chairs. Little things make a difference sometimes don.t they. I also cleaned up the inside of my house so I am feeling very accomplished at the moment. There is a huge Auction/party here tonight and I chose not to go for many reasons. I know it will be fabulous but I was just not in the mood. I have really sweet friends that I could go with and they sincerely wanted me too, but it is still a little awkward, . Anyway looking forward to the Easter Holidsay it will be here before you know it. Love, love this time of year. Have a Happy weekend!!!!!


First I have to explain that before I had Clementine I HATED animated movies. I couldn't stand how predictable they were, how animals talked, how so many of them were about princesses. And the singing...oh, the singing killed me. Get on with it, tell a story without singing so many songs for heaven's sake. Then I had Clementine and while I still don't love the genre I put up with it. I put up with it every. single. day. Especially lately because I've become so pregnant and tired and impossibly sick. So queue up the movies and let's have a party. Clementine first became interested in Finding Nemo. We found Nemo every morning. The first time I watched it with Clem was fun because she loved it. Then the next 30 times came and went and I was very capable of reciting the movie word for word. And the next 30 have really just become an exercise in ignoring what is happening. But unable to completely block out that little clown fish I've learned many lessons. Here are a few. First, does anyone else really hate Marlin? I mean, he is such a complaining, whining, fish that never takes ownership of anything. I admire his tenacity in finding Nemo but good grief, he is a complete pain in the ass. 1. Don't doubt your children. Even if you don't believe in your heart that they are capable of doing something, never ever let it show. Everyone deserves to have a super fan in their life; someone who believes in them 110%. Be that person. Be the person that encourages them and not the one that teaches them to doubt themselves and fear failure. 2. Love makes us brave. When you have someone to love and someone that loves are a more brave, strong and determined individual. I know this from experience. When you find people that make you brave, let them know how much it means to you and never let them go. 3. Fear makes us unproductive and miserable. As much as you can, trust the world and people in it. There is so much more good than bad and you can accomplish a lot more when you don't focus so much on your fears. If you trust yourself it is much easier to trust others. 4. You can find great friends in unexpected places. Be open to recognizing personal connections. Consider them gifts and grab hold. I love it when my path crosses with someone and I know in an instant that we have the makings of a beautiful friendship. Some people are just good solid friends and you love and cherish them. Others literally come into your life and fill a spot that must have been saved just for them. These are the friends that are really family in disguise. 5. Doing things that scare you almost always pay off in the end. So challenge yourself and get a little scared. Just see what you learn and how much more amazing you become as a result. That's about as much deep thought as I want to devote to Nemo. Besides, we've moved on to new content like Fabulous Mr. Fox and Tangled. And teaching these lessons to Clem is gonna be a challenge because as I was typing this out I realized just how cheesy and self-improvementy these things sound. If I try to say half this stuff to Clem when she is old enough to understand it...she'll blow me off as the lamest person around.

Hello again

Wow, I just went back through and read my old blogs! That is a strange thing to do but boy has my life changed. I am very happy now. I guess blogging started as a fun hobby but turned into sort of a therapy thing for me. Anyway happy to report my family...all of them are doing great. I am still working my fun part time jobs but not quite as many hours and I am really enjoying life. I am wondering should I delete all my old post and move on to a brand new happy ones? I will have to ponder that. Hope everyone is doing well out in blogger land. Facebook and twitter have really taken over since I started this so I am not even sure if anybody out there even reads these anymore. But if you do Hello again and I am going to have a cute spring post soon. XOXO Oh by the way this is my 100th post!!! (knew I was holding out for a good one)

Well Hello

Hello Blogger Friends I'm not sure if anyone even blogs anymore but I am back for another try at it! I have become a little obsessed with Pinterest, Instagram and all the rest but after reading some recent blogs I remember how much fun it was, I am so ready for Spring these days. I cannot wait to dig in the dirt and in my mind transform my yard. I've gotten about 50, yes 50 spring/summer bulbs to put out. Haven't tried that in a while but I hope they come up. Planning a big party in May, outdoors, lots of lights and flowers and such so I have motivation to spruce up. I'll post pics of my ideas when I figure out how to do that again. Ok enough for now, I've got a lot of blog reading to catch up on,,

Movies reviews

‘This Guy’s In Love With U, Mare!’ Grosses P124.49-M in 5 Days The Star Cinema comedy movie “This Guy’s In Love With U, Mare!” has raked in P129.49 million for the October 10 to 14 time frame according to Box Office Mojo. TheToni Gonzaga-Luis Manzano-Vice Gandastarrer broke the box office record of “The Mistress” for the year’s biggest 5-day opening. John Lloyd and Bea’s film scored P106.27 million in 5 days while “This Guy’s In Love With U, Mare!” has raked in P124.49 million which signifies that it has the potential to break the box-office record of “Praybeyt Benjamin” as the highest-grossing Filipino movie of all time. HIGHEST-GROSSING FILMS IN THE PHILIPPINES FOR 2012 (As of October 12, 2012) 1. Marvel’s The Avengers – P641.1-M 2. The Amazing Spider-Man – P340-M 3. The Mistress – P262.79-M * 4. The Dark Knight Rises – P219.6-M 5. The Bourne Legacy – P202.1-M 6. UnOfficially Yours – P157.25-M 7. Wrath of the Titans – P145.94-M 8. The Hunger Games – P140-M 9. Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme – P133-33-M 10. Men in Black 3 – P132.67-M HIGHEST-GROSSING PINOY MOVIES FOR 2012 SO FAR (As of October 12, 2012) 1. The Mistress – P262.79-M * 2. UnOfficially Yours – P157.25-M 3. Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme – P133.33-M 4. This Guy’s In Love With U, Mare! – P124.49-M * 5. The Healing – P104.6-M 6. The Reunion – P68.1-M 7. Moron 5 and the Crying Lady – P64.6-M 8. Born to Love You – P52.37-M 9. Corazon Ang Unang Aswang – P51.39-M 10. Every Breath U Take – P50.2-M ======================== 11. The Mommy Returns – P30.6-M 12. Boy Pick-Up: The Movie – P25.37-M 13. Amorosa: The Revenge – P25.2-M 14. A Mother’s Story – P24.81-M 15. My Cactus Heart – P23-M 16. Off All The Things – P21.37-M * 17. My Kontrabida Girl – P13.1-M 18. I Do Bidoo Bidoo – P12.84-M 19. The Witness – P8.6-M 20. Just One Summer – P6.15-M ======================== 21. Hitman – P4.96-M 22. Pridyider – P4.88-M 23. Bwakaw – P1.55-M 24. Ang Nawawala – P1.24-M 25. Captive – P1.11-M 26. Mga Mumunting Lihim – P774,349.00 27. Sta. Niña – P332,828.00 All figures are from Box Office Mojo Source: You might also like: ‘Every Breath U Take’ Grosses P42.8-M in 2 Weeks ‘The Mistress’ Tops PH’s Box Office, Hits P106-M in 5 Days ... ‘The Mistress’ Tops PH Box Office for 2nd Week in a Row ‘Catch Me…I’m In Love’ Hits P52.95-M in 5 Days! ‘This Guy’s In Love With U, Mare!’ Begins Bid to Break Box ... Linkwithin

My One Hour Journey with Him

In this very busy country, wherein the people are also super busy with their own lives, I love taking the bus. It does remind me of how blessed I am to be in this situation by seeing different kind of individuals. Different Age. Different Colors. Different Sizes. Hehe. I am often stressed. Sometimes it is self inflicted and most of the time it is boss inflicted. Oops! The more or less one hour journey to/from home has given me so much time to reflect on how God had beautifully crafted our lives. It gives me that big push to move on, leave behind yesterday's problem and and look forward to today's happy moments. I felt blessed to see everyday a part of what the world has to offer. It also helps me to visualize that this kind of living is possible to my home country. I know my stay in this world is temporary and this time I have with Him makes me realize that I need to do something. I need to become an important part of the society. Help the needy and be simply happy. We only live once. We may have to take either bus or train or our own car (mine hopefully soon!) In this journey, make use of that special time to communicate with Him and your inner self. I guarantee you it will surely be a very worthy ride of your life. :) Happy Huwebes Everyone.
God put the moon and the stars up in the sky for the simple reason that dreamers need something to believe even in the darkest of nights. Dreaming happily with Popoy and Kulas is bakekang =) Monday, September 30, 2013 Dream Last Night 29.Sept.2013 Setting: A place in Singapore kampong area. I am taking care of Yana and Gab. I have to go to the office at around 2pm. Nanay helped me to have Yana take a bath. A small improvised pool was there. Gab dip into the small pool and took a bath by himself. We are in the bus going around. The two boys who we know and was our friend (but I do not know in real life) said we need to go around the roads so we won't be penalised for long parking. When we got back to the house. Yana already dressed. Nanay was eating. I told My director David that I need to go to the office for the stuff that I need to prepare. David agreed. I asked Nanay where she is going. She told me, she is going to Intro. I asked her what did Intro said as if there were stuffs already been discussed in the past. This is the first time I heard her speak in my dream. :) Nanay said Intro said there was still no job for her. I told her of my planned business and then proceed to go to the office with my gab. Thank You Nanay. I know you are always there watching over us always. You are so alive, happy and with your trademark smile. ❤️���� This keeps me looking forward to this new beginning. :) God bless this day and the days to come.�� Aja Bakekang!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

the ignorance

Started by mary grace subingsubing in My LoveStory Jun 8, 2013. 0 Replies
if i were to count, he could be my 5th crush, and its really that hard to admit if you were let goo of someone special to you, someone thats always been around, i know he could feel, but i cant force him if he just look me as his baby sister,…Continue


Started by Cody Wayne Robbins in Fantasies I have... May 21, 2013. 0 Replies
Im single and am looking for for a relationship. i enjoy talking over the phone. im 18. look me up on fb if you want to see pics. You can find my under Cody Wayne Robbins. i should be the only one. send me a msg :)Continue

Posting story novels

Started by M. Her in General Apr 16, 2013. 0 Replies
I look around and notice this site pertains more to blogs, group discussion topics, and advice (relationship advice). I joined because, to me, it came across as JOIN HERE to begin your stories as in novels or works of fiction (pretty much). Did I…Continue

I need advice

Started by abilene in Help! I need your Relationship Advice. Last reply by Jade May 28, 2013. 2 Replies
Ok so my first bf started texting me and calling me again but he cheated on me before and he has told me he changed but idk if to believe him and give him one more chance but i nee help what should i do

You Mean The World To Me

You mean the world to me
Nothing will ever come between us
No matter what anybody says or does
You will always be in my heart
Forever and ever
Your spot will never be replaced
You hold the key to my heart
And you have since we met
I will love you forever
And no matter how much we fight
Things will be ok
Like I said I will love you forever
No matter what

You Mean The World To Me

You mean the world to me
Nothing will ever come between us
No matter what anybody says or does
You will always be in my heart
Forever and ever
Your spot will never be replaced
You hold the key to my heart
And you have since we met
I will love you forever
And no matter how much we fight
Things will be ok
Like I said I will love you forever
No matter what

My Promise To You

I promise to always lift you up
When you are feeling down
I promise to wipe your tears
When you feel you need to cry
I promise to keep you smiling
To show off that beautiful smile you have
I promise to be your strength
Whenever you fall weak
I promise to be your voice,
When you can't find the words
I promise to be your eyes
When you cannot see
I promise to be your ears
When you cannot hear
I promise to always tell you what's real
When you want to hear the truth
I promise to be your dream catcher
To chase away you're every fear
I promise to be your smile
When you're frowning
I promise to always cheer you up
When you are down and blue
I promise to give you faith
When you are feeling insecure
I promise to keep you sturdy
When you are feeling unsafe
I promise to listen
When you need to talk
I promise to tell you no lies
Just what is true
I promise to always lend you my shoulder
For when you need to cry
I promise to always hold you
When you need someone
I promise to always care for you
Wherever you are I promise to always be there
I promise to never hurt you and never break your heart
I can't promise you the world
I can't promise you the sky
I can't promise you that we will never fight
I can't promise you that I will never cry
But I can promise you that I will always be true to you
And baby I promise that I will always love you more than anything with all my heart, no matter what happens or what we go through, baby I'll love you until the end of time!
Ill be your guardian angel
That's my promise to you!!
xoxoxoxo love you Michael lots and always..

Since The Day We Met

I remember the day we met
Both shy, but wanted to talk
Even when we tried
We didn't know what to say

Day by day
We took it slow
And our conversations began to grow

Since the day our conversations grew
I became very fond of you
Hoping you felt fond of me too

One night we had a talk
And now look where we're at
In the happiest place we can be
That is, in the relationship between you and me

Thinking Of You

I thought of you today but that's nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too
for every day good or bad you'll always be in my head
I hope you've understood everything I've said
this isn't just a joke or a silly lie
I'd never do anything to make you wanna cry
I'm sorry if I do something to make you really mad
it only comes back and makes me really sad
I really do love you and everything you are
I hope this relationship gets really far
I'll never get you out I simply don't know how
in fact I'm thinking of you right about now
you're everything I need and everything to me
you know exactly who you are and what you want to be
you always make me smile just by being there
I hope you know how much I really do care
every time I think of you my stomach seems to twist
This is why I love you, I've made a huge list
the list goes on forever and never will it end
neither will our relationship you'll always be my friend
not just a simple friend but a special friend at that
I want to spend my whole life with you

A Moment Of Truth

My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair
I want to share with you
What makes me happy; what makes me feel blue..
So you can sense that my love is honest and true.

Every day not a single minute
Passes by without you in it
Your skin, your voice, your body and your touch
All of these moments, I miss them so much.

You are so present, so deep in my heart
And our souls, I just know, will never part,
But circumstance and distance can be so overwhelming
They close doors and create doubt and we start blaming..

There are actions of mine and I know that for sure..
That feel so wrong, though my intentions are pure
They are painful and impossible to bear
And you feel it's all so unfair.

You can't run from yourself;
There is no place to hide
It just hurts you so deep
It hurts your heart and your pride.

Then I worry that if I continue to stay
Will it be wrong and will I be in your way?
I fear that I am not at all what you need
And that this truth will make my heart break and bleed.

Then I sit here and wipe away my tears
Wishing you could kiss away my fears
If only you knew how much.
I miss and need your embrace and your touch

I know I can't hide from my thoughts and my fear
And I know at these times I don't seem near
But you break down these walls
With the strength of your love
And then I feel blessed
From God above!

My love for you runs so deep through my vein
That I dream of you, in spite of the pain.

Can We Just?

Can we just run away
Together, just me and you?
Have fun, forever play?
You know, just the two of us?

Can we just leave this place?
Just run hand in hand?
Be together all our days?
And never ever look back...

Can we just walk
Together under the stars?
I'll kiss your hand and your lips?
And you can have my heart?

Can we just laugh?
Innocent giggles, loving looks?
I'll have your love and you can have mine?
Because it's my heart and love you took....

Can we just walk
For hours on end?
We'll talk about anything?
And we can lay upon your bed…


hey frns......
its my happiest day today.....
feeeeleing very goood...
its my birthday today.......m very happy..

Monday, August 11, 2014

Brain Scoop

I had a great time exploring the collections of the Burke Museum today! They’ve got a great temporary exhibit highlighting examples from each collection. So beautiful. (at Burke Museum) didyouseethisthingsaid: What truth is there to the idea that crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs?In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. And remember, it’s all in the hips. A dinosaur (in this case, a member of the clade Dinosauria) is only a dinosaur when it’s got the Ornithischian (edit) OR Saurischian pelvic configuration; in other words, the legs come directly under the body and do not sprawl as they do with other reptiles - like crocodiles and alligators.It’s true Crocodilians have existed for hundreds of millions of years and began evolving around the same time as the first Dinosaurs - but just because two separate lineages came to be at the same point in time, that does not mean they have any relation to one another. Image sources:UC Berkeley - graphic by Randall Irmis / Andrew Lee / Nick Pyenson.. Source-brainscoop

Brain Scoop

I had a great time exploring the collections of the Burke Museum today! They’ve got a great temporary exhibit highlighting examples from each collection. So beautiful. (at Burke Museum) didyouseethisthingsaid: What truth is there to the idea that crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs?In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. And remember, it’s all in the hips. A dinosaur (in this case, a member of the clade Dinosauria) is only a dinosaur when it’s got the Ornithischian (edit) OR Saurischian pelvic configuration; in other words, the legs come directly under the body and do not sprawl as they do with other reptiles - like crocodiles and alligators.It’s true Crocodilians have existed for hundreds of millions of years and began evolving around the same time as the first Dinosaurs - but just because two separate lineages came to be at the same point in time, that does not mean they have any relation to one another. Image sources:UC Berkeley - graphic by Randall Irmis / Andrew Lee / Nick Pyenson.. Source-brainscoop

Brain Scoop

I had a great time exploring the collections of the Burke Museum today! They’ve got a great temporary exhibit highlighting examples from each collection. So beautiful. (at Burke Museum) didyouseethisthingsaid: What truth is there to the idea that crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs?In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. And remember, it’s all in the hips. A dinosaur (in this case, a member of the clade Dinosauria) is only a dinosaur when it’s got the Ornithischian (edit) OR Saurischian pelvic configuration; in other words, the legs come directly under the body and do not sprawl as they do with other reptiles - like crocodiles and alligators.It’s true Crocodilians have existed for hundreds of millions of years and began evolving around the same time as the first Dinosaurs - but just because two separate lineages came to be at the same point in time, that does not mean they have any relation to one another. Image sources:UC Berkeley - graphic by Randall Irmis / Andrew Lee / Nick Pyenson.. Source-brainscoop

Brain Scoop

I had a great time exploring the collections of the Burke Museum today! They’ve got a great temporary exhibit highlighting examples from each collection. So beautiful. (at Burke Museum) didyouseethisthingsaid: What truth is there to the idea that crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs?In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. And remember, it’s all in the hips. A dinosaur (in this case, a member of the clade Dinosauria) is only a dinosaur when it’s got the Ornithischian (edit) OR Saurischian pelvic configuration; in other words, the legs come directly under the body and do not sprawl as they do with other reptiles - like crocodiles and alligators.It’s true Crocodilians have existed for hundreds of millions of years and began evolving around the same time as the first Dinosaurs - but just because two separate lineages came to be at the same point in time, that does not mean they have any relation to one another. Image sources:UC Berkeley - graphic by Randall Irmis / Andrew Lee / Nick Pyenson.. Source-brainscoop

Brain Scoop

I had a great time exploring the collections of the Burke Museum today! They’ve got a great temporary exhibit highlighting examples from each collection. So beautiful. (at Burke Museum) didyouseethisthingsaid: What truth is there to the idea that crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs?In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. In a taxonomic sense, there’s no truth. I think the primary source of confusion is when “dinosaur” as a common term is used to encompass any and all prehistoric lifeforms. The truth us, Crocodilians evolved separately from dinosaurs. And remember, it’s all in the hips. A dinosaur (in this case, a member of the clade Dinosauria) is only a dinosaur when it’s got the Ornithischian (edit) OR Saurischian pelvic configuration; in other words, the legs come directly under the body and do not sprawl as they do with other reptiles - like crocodiles and alligators.It’s true Crocodilians have existed for hundreds of millions of years and began evolving around the same time as the first Dinosaurs - but just because two separate lineages came to be at the same point in time, that does not mean they have any relation to one another. Image sources:UC Berkeley - graphic by Randall Irmis / Andrew Lee / Nick Pyenson.. Source-brainscoop

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We laughed, we cried, and then we grew up.

We laughed, we cried, and then we grew up.

Despite the countless obstacles, our college gang finally met up, though the only-half-of-the-group-showed-up gathering only lasted barely 4 hours.

We went back to our old college and saw Mr Lau (maths), Mr Nava (physics AS sem 2), Mr Yeoh (physics A2) and we wanted to listen to Mr Lau's lecture but us barging into the class was simply too obvious although I didn't mind doing it cause we already have a bad reputation in college

We ate at Inti Cafeteria. The nasi lemak was still RM 1 and spicy. We met a fake Lihyi who had almost the same haircut, same bell-sleeved shirt who brought her own lunch. We spotted some familiar faces; the lab assistant, our bio teacher's archenemy, and some lookalikes from our old days in college.

For a moment I felt alive again.

Where I lived in a world with my own rules. Where people's opinions about what I did, what I wore, what I said didn't matter anymore because I had a group of friends who accepted my loudness and lack of subtlety.

But living abroad (in fact leaving college) has given me enough lessons that the world can be evil, it can be pretentious, it can be selfish. In fact it's brimming with so much lies it's so hard to spot sheer honesty.

But I strongly believe that no matter how badly the world treats me, I will not turn into one of those backstabbing, hatred filled, self centred people, even if it hurts me.

I will keep on fighting, keep on falling, and keep on getting up.

Because I know that when I can take it no more, I'll have my true friends to hang on to.

Thank you for everything =)

Wednesday, July 13hey guys.

Wednesday, July 13

hey guys.

i've moved. Again!!!

from tumblr to wordpress. hopefully i'll stay put there, don't want to get too nomadic =)

you can now find me here.

feel free to drop by and say hi!

Sunday, February 13

i want change.

and therefore i'm moving.

this blog is generating too much traffic from the HKU/NUS MBBS interview post and I need more privacy XD

therefore i'm moving to a tumblr site.

The Happiness Project. (or so it will be named for the time being.) 

you cant really post comments unless you have an account in tumblr but I guess that doesnt really matter =)

It's sad to say goodbye but a drastic change needs drastic measures... see you at the other end of the rainbow!

hey guys.

hey guys.

i've moved. Again!!!

from tumblr to wordpress. hopefully i'll stay put there, don't want to get too nomadic =)

you can now find me here.

feel free to drop by and say hi!

Thursday, December 16, 2010Good Nite, Sleep TIte, Until We Meet Agin

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Nite, Sleep TIte, Until We Meet Agin

Well, innernets, it's bin grate, it reey has. But da last cupple of weeks I've been a littul off my game, and today I decided to hed over to da Bridge.

It wuz not an eezy decizhun, and I'll miss my vixins, but the time had come, and I wuz reddy to get on to faze 2.

I was with the ladey win I wint. I just wint to sleep and didn't wake up. I know it made her eyes git all watery, but it was better than if she'd had to take me into the torcher place one more time. Neether one of us wunted that.

And, I gave them a gift that will keep on giving. I had cooties. And I shared it with the peepul so they'd remember even after I'm gone. Thare both all covered in kreem now and washing every single thing they own, inklooding thare manparts and ladyparts, and da other 3 cats had to go to the torcher place to git cooty-killing medisins. I'm sorry my bud Trip had to do that, but I wuz reely happy that Mao had to go. Man, I won't miss him yellin' all the time. He wood never shut his piehole. It reely got on my nervs. Anyway, yoo mite say I had da last laff. That felt good.

I do wunt to give a speshul thank yoo to Shabby and Katie Tulip and Angel Kalin fur da nice Susan Faye pikcher they had painted fur da wite rat on his berthday. It's one of da only pikchers we have of da hole famly together, and I know the peepul trezhure it.

I have been looking forwerd to meeting up some of my frends and vixins hoo are alreddy at da Bridge like Halloween and Bathsheba and the mancats, too, but espeshully Joonyer, my bestest frend in the yooniverse. I like havin doods I can hang with and burp and belch and fart and watch NASCAR and wrasslin and stuff. Joonyer tawt me how to wrassle. I have mist him a lot. I
got deeprest win he wint to the Bridge.

I will miss my gutter, and the flower bed next to the driveway ware I cood sit in the sun. I will miss drinkin owt of da swimmin pool evry morning. I will miss my speshul vixin DMM, and my twin vixin, Sadie, and all the other gerlcats hoo think I'm hot (hey, take a number, laydeez). I'll miss the man, cuz we were buddies. He was grate. I won't miss Mao cuz he wuz a pane, but I will miss Tripper hoo wuz my best frend after Joonyer. Tripper was weird cuz he was always kissin me, but we had whut yoo wood call an understanding. Trip had my bak.

So, I won't be bloggin' any more. I'll miss that, but thare's lots to do at the Bridge, and my parts don't hert anymore, wich is nice. And I promiss, evry nite I'll look down to Sandy Eggo, and wave to da best vixin anywun ever had, DMM. She is spunky, and I'll never furget her.

Thank yoo all fur following my advenchers on my blog. It's bin giggles
saurav singh